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Oracle Database
¿Qué es Oracle Database?
Los servicios y productos de bases de datos de Oracle ofrecen a los clientes versiones de alto rendimiento y costes optimizados de Oracle Database, un destacado sistema de gestión de bases de datos multimodelo y convergente, así como bases de datos en memoria, NoSQL y MySQL. Oracle Autonomous Database está disponible de forma local a través de Oracle Cloud@Customer o en Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Permite a los clientes simplificar los entornos de bases de datos relacionales y reducir las cargas de trabajo de gestión.
¿Quién usa Oracle Database?
Oracle Database proporciona a las organizaciones una tecnología de base de datos de escala empresarial que se puede almacenar en la nube o en las instalaciones locales.
¿Tienes dudas sobre Oracle Database?
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Oracle Database
Opinones de Oracle Database
El mejor motorde base de datos
Puntos a favor:
Tiene seguridad, integridad, continuidad y de muy buen desempeño. Muestra una gran variedad para usos de los SQL y PLSQL pudiendo integrarse con otras bases de datos
el precio puede ser una limitante al momento de comparar con otras marcas de base de datos en el mercado
Unas de las mejores base de datos en el mercado
Comentarios: La integración con el desarrollo en JAVA es muy fácil
Puntos a favor:
Provee todo lo necesario para el almacenamiento distribuido de tus datos
Tener que aprender PL/SQL fue un poco tedioso, sería genial que se pueda usar solamente el estándar SQL
Alternativas consideradas:
Poderoso motor de base de datos.
Comentarios: Es un poderoso motor de base de datos, muy estable y robusto. Es compatible con la mayoría de lenguajes de programación. Muy buen rendimiento
Puntos a favor:
Oracle es una base de datos robusta, eficiente y confiable, es altamente configurable aunque necesita administración. Tiene un muy alto performance (rendimiento). Es multiplataforma aunque he tenido mejores experiencias en Linux. Existen muchas herramientas de terceros para facilitar la gestión de la misma.
Debe ser administrada, por lo que debes tener conocimiento previo para ponerla en marcha de manera óptima. Se debe analizar detenidamente el esquema de licenciamiento.
Sistema de gestión de bases de datos
Comentarios: He utilizado Oracle Database para la gestión de bases de datos y la configuración de las mismas.
Puntos a favor:
Es un excelente gestor de bases de datos muy útil para el trabajo en industria.
No tengo nada en contra de ate software
Producto necesario para el manejo de datos
Puntos a favor:
La seguridad con la que se manejan los datos
A veces tarda mucho en cargar los datos, por lo que relentiza el trabajo
Base de datos de empleados
Comentarios: Espectacular programa que maneja todo el historial de los empleados de manera faci, super eficiente y confiable
Puntos a favor:
Es un programa super sencillo de utilizar en el que puedes guardar toda la informacion de los empleados de la compañía con total seguridad
Si lo dejas de usar por unos minutos se bloquea pero esta perfecto porque todo esto es por seguridad de la informacion

Opinión Oracle database
Comentarios: Experiencia muy satisfactoria, lo uso a diario.Es bastante intuitivo
Puntos a favor:
Para mi tiene todas las funcionalidades que necesito para mi trabajo diario
Con una carga muy grande de datos puede ir un poco lento

RDBMS consolidado pero demasiado complejo
Comentarios: Oracle Database es un excelente gestor de base de datos con un rendimiento y fiablidad muy buenos. No obstante, encontramos otros productos que al menos para entornos de carga medios o medios altos son mucho más fáciles de configurar y más baratos (PostgreSQL y MySQL), siendo PostgreSQL actualmente nuestra opción. Mucho más barato, más sencillo de configurar y para lo que necesitamos tan potente o más que Oracle
Puntos a favor:
Fiablilidad, potencia, rapidez. Producto muy estable
Complejidad de configuración y mantenimiento. Política de licenciamiento muy complicada
Diseñando sistemas con base de datos
Comentarios: Cuando use por primera vez este software me gustó su complejidad porque es muy intuitivo.
Puntos a favor:
Es un programa muy interesante para la gestión de base de datos ya que proviene de una marca muy grande.
Es difícil de instalar. Y es un poco pesado de utilizar

Incredibly Fast
Comentarios: The features I use most in Oracle database; Writing stored procedure, view, cursor and trigger and calling it from within the software, as well as writing instant queries and generating reports.
Puntos a favor:
I'm in the banking industry and we have millions of transactions daily. We keep these transactions in the oracle database. Among all this data, we can find, for example, a transaction or customer we want to find, without waiting. An invaluable database tool for complete enterprise companies. The main features that I like the most are that it can process large amounts of data quickly, many users can access the same table or even the same data, and it is very easy to use.
I've been using it for years and I've never encountered a feature that I don't like at all.
Oracle Database is a great accounting system for any company
Puntos a favor:
I liked that the system offered a convenient way to view all of your customer data and it was easy to navigate the system as a beginner which made it easy to train new employees.
We can make the font size bigger, add some more color and space it out a bit more so that visually it is more appealing. After a few hours of working looking at the font caused some slight headaches.

Not worth the money and time
Comentarios: Not recommended for really predator prices and lack of support.
Puntos a favor:
I had to use it because it came from a proprietary provider as it a special case use.
The documentation is lacking and the most useful guides are provided by [sensitive content hidden] who unfortunately passed away this year. It really has a hard learning curve and the prices are extremely high. For a core, the prices started from $16k + taxes plus $5k + taxes for annual support. Also, you can't install Oracle on any common cloud environment as it will try to force you to buy licenses for all the capacity of the hypervisor. A basic Oracle specialized server costs nearly $500 a month with a major ISP provider in my country. This is not viable for a starting company.
Productive Data Managing Platform
Comentarios: The solution gives us an reliable storage option, where all the data is effortlessly managed.
Puntos a favor:
The establishment of a data back up makes the application reliable and assertive.
The development of an AI requires some significant upgrade.
Oracle database review
Puntos a favor:
Security as it places a strong emphasis on it and the rich feature set that includes support for advanced data.
Complexity as it requires a significant amount of expertise.
A data base that we use more than 10 years
Comentarios: Overall with Oracle Database i can manage my data with more safety and easy to recall
Puntos a favor:
What i like most about Oracle Data base is the data base is more secure and easy to recall
What i did least like from Oracle Database is the prize, because i use this Oracle Database when i buy The Prinergy Software
Oracle for Non-Profits
Puntos a favor:
Lightweight, pretty easy to use. TNS files make it easy to make sure everyone has the same connections. No real issues.
Having to use a third party software like TOAD or SQL Developer to access it can be a pain and annoying at times. As well with having a Linux-based backend it can be difficult to find the right DBA.
My experience using Oracle database
I worked on a project was about an e-commerce website.
The Customer told me that he wants his database on Oracle program.
the program was a bit difficult to use and needs practice to become easy.
Puntos a favor:
Scalability, High Availability, Data Integrity and security. It provides top-notch security and that is why the banking sector mostly uses Oracle as there is a back end database.
I had trouble installing the program on my laptop, as it is very complicated to install. I had a lot of errors when I deleted it and reinstalled it, after much effort, contacting support, and watching videos on YouTube of how to completely remove it in order to install it again, and this took me a lot of time.
A solid database
Puntos a favor:
It is a very solid database, with a lot of official and community support and documentation. Very good for those who want to start with database management.
With all of its features, it can be heavy and complex.
Oracle Database still a super reliable option
Comentarios: A super product with a large suite of options for any database related deployments
Puntos a favor:
The Golden Gate is a great bolt on that we found effective in managing our data replication
Occasionally bugs are evident but the regular quarterly patch sets keep on top of these
DBA for Oracle Database
Puntos a favor:
Having worked with Oracle Database as a DBA, I was satisfied with the functionalities, speed and overall performance of the tool. The multidimensional database enabled to design dynamic reports, and easily organize the data in excel. The sw dealt with large sets of data with an ease and rarely faced any outages / limitations.
Nothing to highlight here. If you know your database / you can easily navigate, retrieve, edit data. Excel add in also helped to share information with others on a regular / ad-hoc basis..
Ultimate's of Oracle DB
Comentarios: Our company uses Oracle Database to manage data.
Puntos a favor:
It enables the security of the data is the best part. Also, we can retrieve data very quickly, and the user-friendly interface helps us create DB, and manage DB very easily.
I don't see any bugs. An overall good tool to manage Database.
Good database software which meets all the requirements.
Comentarios: Overall it is a great experience , it does the job , have few drawbacks , which is negligible in most cases.
Puntos a favor:
Easily understandable queries makes it easy to use , it provides good visual database design tools such as workbench.
High hardware requirement is needed for even if it is used for small projects.

Honest review on Oracle Database
Comentarios: The database contains robust security mechanisms to guarantee data privacy which is important to us.
Puntos a favor:
Oracle database is scalable so it can manage growing volumes of data.
The Oracle database may be resource-intensive, necessitating strong hardware, a lot of memory, and processing power.
Reliable DBMS and Data Warehouse Solution!!
Puntos a favor:
1. Robust Data Backup and recovery Options is the major capability of Oracle2. Flexible to implement or host in both Cloud as well as in on premise.3. In Built Data Movement tools like Export and Import Data Pump, which help is secured Data copy4.Java Support is the key feature that differentiate this from other databases5. Operational Data Stores can be maintained and is so reliable6. Access controls are at a granular level and too secure
Complex Architecture, Average Customer Support , Price is expensive, not an easy DB for Begineers
Fact, efficient and scalable relation database system
Database is a must for every organization. oracle and SQL server is the most widely used databases
oracle is most advanced database with SQL , cloud and admin support.
Puntos a favor:
Easy to use , comprehensive SQL support, PL/SQL is the most advanced. Hugh data storage , scalable and cloud-ready.
As compared to SQL Server , SQL developer is looking very simple but you can use toad for SQL.