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RealVNC Connect
¿Qué es RealVNC Connect?
VNC Connect es un software para compartir pantallas que te permite resolver problemas, ayudar a las personas y trabajar de forma remota.
¿Quién usa RealVNC Connect?
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RealVNC Connect
Opinones de RealVNC Connect
Great product for working from home during the pandemic!
Alternativas consideradas:
VNC Connect en el sector cooperativo
Comentarios: A nivel funcional, la herramienta es muy buena. Aunque a nivel de permisos para los usuarios puede ser mas detallada; cumple con lo necesario. El licenciamiento y su costo es alto y varia mucho de año a año lo que dificulta la renovación.
Puntos a favor:
La seguridad (cifrado) Dos métodos de conexión (local e internet) MFA
Costoso frente a otros productos similares. No permite compartir conexiones con un usuario sin licencia.
De uso diario
Comentarios: Buena y satisfactoria
Puntos a favor:
El facil acceso y la compartimentacion para departamentos
De momento el uso no ha dado problemas, salvo necesidad de actualizacion
NO me gusta
Comentarios: No está diseñado para usuarios sin conocimientos en informática.
Puntos a favor:
No lo he probado en su versiOn reciente, pero no me gusta.
Deja puertos abiertos, lo que lo hace muy inseguro.
VNC es fantastico para el manejo remoto de equipos de diseño y programadores
Comentarios: Muy buena experiencia con el uso de VNC en equipos , fácil instalación y manejo impecable
Puntos a favor:
Es muy fácil de usar y su entorno se adapta fácilmente a las necesidades de cada equipo y se resuelven los problemas con rapidez
Hace falta unas mejoras en la app para móviles, el resto esta muy bien estructurado.
Soporte técnico en empresas de todo tipo.
Comentarios: En líneas generales, muy positiva. Cumple con lo que un técnico y un instalador espera, y permite a empresas pequeñas e incluso freelances ofrecer un soporte técnico de primer nivel.
Puntos a favor:
El interfaz de uso en general es bastante bueno. La seguridad está muy trabajada y la instalación no es especialmente complicada.Esta herramienta permite a una empresa relativamente pequeña dar un servicio técnico a la altura de cualquier multinacional.
No se si ahora estará solucionado, pero en su momento echamos en falta una base de conocimiento mas completa con errores comunes, problemas de instalación y demás incidencias que pueden surgir durante la implementación y uso de este software.Pero una vez que se pasa la primera época de aprender problemas nuevos, es una herramienta muy completa y potente.
Puntos a favor:
Sin duda el acceso desatendido y el poder transferir la sesión son las 2 cosas que más nos facilitan el poder solucionar los problemas de los clientes. A grandes rasgos es como la mayoría de programas de remoto permitiendo la impresión remota y otras características que ayudan al teletrabajo.
El acceso desde el móvil no termina de convencerme, por todo lo demás perfecto
Herramienta perfecta para conexiones remotas
Puntos a favor:
Lo que mas me gusta es la facilidad para conectarnos de manera remota con los diferentes equipos del personal.
No hay nada que nos disguste de este software, nos funciona correctamente
Genialidad a un clic
Comentarios: En un inicio pensé que iba a ser mala, pero a los 30 minutos era como que estaba en mi escritorio y con la mayor naturalidad, y ahora es una de mis herramientas de trabajo indispensables.
Puntos a favor:
facilidad de uso sencillez para ingresar fluido para administrar
a veces se demora en volver a conectarse si lo has dejado algún tiempo sin uso, pero nada que incomode demasiado, solo esperar unos 20 a 30 segundos y sigues.
Alternativas consideradas:
Para poder ver mi pc desde mi celular
Comentarios: Se soluciona el tener que ir a mi pc y obtener archivos que solicita gerencia ya que los puedo obtener desde mi celular y reenviarlos desde ahi.
Puntos a favor:
El poder ingresar desde mi celular a mi pc y poder obtener archivos, datos etc en momentos. asi como poder tener metatrader en mi pc y estar viendo el compotamiento del mercado a traves de VNC
el UI y botones de cuando me conecto a traves de mi celular.
An effective tool for remote control
Comentarios: I've been using the free version for a long time. I've connected my 2 mobile phones, my office PC and my home PC to it. Once the account has been created, it's very easy to take control of my devices remotely. The connection is secure and the features are very useful. On top of that, I have full access to my computer, seamlessly. It's a very useful tool
Puntos a favor:
It's a tool that's fairly easy to use and has lots of interesting features. I've been using the free version for a long time, which allows me to connect 5 devices. Even though it has fewer options than the paid version, it's more than enough for home use. What I like most about it is that it's available on all devices, Mac computers, Windows, Android or iPhone mobiles, and so on. Control is simple and secure. The display of the remote device is fluid and fast and you have total control. I also like the fact that you can chat and transfer files. It's a powerful tool for remote control
If you don't have an account, you will be redirected to the Realvnc platform to create one. We should think about allowing you to create an account directly from the app
Alternativas consideradas:
VNC Connect - Gets you connected to the people that need connecting!
Comentarios: Fantastic! from sales, to implementation to support, excellent experience!
Puntos a favor:
Easy of use, footprint of program, permission tool to control access. Support is out of this world!
Cost has increased considerably over the last few years.
Higly recommend using RealVNC as you remote access software
Comentarios: Very good and convenient, it helps me a lot when traveling overseas
Puntos a favor:
I have been using RealVNC for four years and I can stablely remote access my workstation from anywhere in the world
Not too much, the login of the account ( not remote access) is a little bit complicated because of security reason, I guess
Seems like more issues than not
Comentarios: Does what we need it to do. However, we do not feel secure 100%.
Puntos a favor:
Great for tapping into your desktop from anywhere, especially for me because I use an iPad to tap into my desktop, which I believe would be a little more difficult than using a traditional laptop. I have to go to the VA a few times a week which is an hour from our office so it's very necessary for me to be able to look at the schedule remotely when I'm not here. You have to go into your iPad settings, click the VNC option on and then pull up VNC app and go into your desktop. If you close out of the iPad, it will knock you out and you will have to redo those steps which is annoying but not difficult.
I'm not sure if this is how our IT guy set it up or what, but it leaves a lot of the backend open with potential for hackers. I don't know if this can be changed or not... It does seem like we are a little vulnerable while using this software to tap in. It also has a weird setup on the desktop to where if this certain program isn't running in the background all the time, then it won't let us remote in. Which is difficult if you are not here at the office to turn it on. It seems to always stay up on the desktop though. Again, this may be the fault of our IT guy setting us up this way.. Not too sure..
Sweet Freedom
Comentarios: Wonderful. The freedom it gives me is worth every penny.
Puntos a favor:
The ability to connect from anywhere. It gives me the freedom to travel.
Sometimes connection times can be a challenge.
Best tool for any remote connection
Comentarios: This product helped us to provide remote support to the teams in different branches, as well as making it easier for us to have to move since it allows us full control of the devices, ensuring security while maintaining the connection.
Puntos a favor:
What I like the most about this software is how easy it is to use, as well as the security that it offers us once we establish a connection. Another part that I really like about this product is the large number of multiple connections that it allows me to make, ensuring thus a better performance when giving remote support
What I liked least about this product is that it doesn't give me the option of a chat window to interact with people, but apart from this I consider it one of the most stable and complete on the market.
Alternativas consideradas:
Great tool for intranet
Comentarios: We stopped actively using Real VNC for years, due to cloud limitations, but about 1-2 year ago we started using it again from the Raspberry PI and some Virtual Mac OS services. For use on the intranet it remains as good as ever: you access the remote computer, manipulate data, screens and functions, quick and easy, which makes it unnecessary to have a monitor connected to the development boards. I currently use TeamViewer, but since I found RealVNC's cloud plans I am seriously considering switching to RealVNC cloud for the next renewal, next year.
Puntos a favor:
The diversity of VNC servers, the fact that it comes integrated in equipment or operating systems, for example Raspberry PI OS. The fact that you can do many things virtually without spending, or spending zero, depending on what you want to do. The fact that you have a serious business-level tool for when you need it. This brings flexibility in use.
In general, VNC is not transparent to the firewall, requiring port release and NAT route configuration. In Real VNC you have the option of a cloud plan, which circumvents this limitation, but it is still a little expensive for a micro company with eventual use.
VN-C(see) your desktop
Comentarios: Overall I'm a fan of VNC, it's been my go-to for quite a few years now
Puntos a favor:
The pro of VNC is the benefit of the mobile app and being able to access your desktop anywhere.The connections is made through your account with VNC, so no complicated/insecure port-forwarding etc. Their servers are used as an intermediary, although I don't know about the security of that process
Latency can be an issue when using VNC, I wouldn't recommend using it for anything overally visual. So no video/photo editing etc
Remote Access and Support Management Made Easy
Puntos a favor:
With VNC Connect, screen sharing and file sharing is easy Comes with amazing capabilities for remote support and access and it is highly secure
Not many issues with VNC Connect. Has always been very helpful.
Wonderful way to remote in
Comentarios: It has been great being able to work remotely sometimes or pull up something on my day off
Puntos a favor:
Easy to connect. Quick response to connect to work computer
Have 2 screens at work and cannot get both screens to go larger on my laptop. And cannot get one screen to move over .
One stop solution for Remote Support
Comentarios: Awesome
Puntos a favor:
Very good,with good build in features and simple to use . like said one stop solution for everyone. use it and you will feel the same
Perfect ..looking for the same.once catch it will definately share the same.
Very handy!
Comentarios: It improves my ability to help customers when I'm working at my company's helpdesk because sometimes the user cannot explain exactly what is happening, so when you connect to their computer and see what they are doing, you can get the whole picture. It is also handy when I need help from the IT team, to activate a product or solve any computer problem without the need to go in site. Now that we are living in this pandemic hard time, any remote task is even more valuable.
Puntos a favor:
I like it because it is very easy to use, you don't need much configuration to get it working. It is easy to install and get it running. You can use it to help your customers when they need to share their screens and show you a problem which is hard to explain, but easy to show.
Sometimes a firewall rule or a VPN is blocking your customer to share a connection with you, making it harder to get in touch and solve any problem. Maybe a wizard to help the user understand in plain english what is happening and then tell you could be better.
VNC - The Real Viewer
Comentarios: Remote Assisting and Remote controlling made very much more manageable with VNC. Even easy file sharing.
Puntos a favor:
The small in size installation file for endpoints is very much useful when it comes to deployment in a organization with lot of branch officers.
When renewing the VNC subscription, we are unable to push it centrally from the server. Instead we have to key in or import the license file from VNC endpoint.
Did it become irrelevant over time?
Puntos a favor:
Well VNC was one of the first software for remote desktops I ever used. At the time it was revolutionary software. But it lacked additional comforts other similar software brought with time, like having a device management, remote file sharing, chat system,... Everything did get implemented eventually, but by that time people moved to more modern software. Now they are pretty much equivalent, and you go with the one that is cheeper.
The instant support feature is pretty cool, to transfer sessions between colleagues, it comes in handy.
Great tool to remote desktop computers.
Comentarios: I use VNC connect to access Raspberry pi computers in my IoT devices. Very easy, It only requires an active internet connection. When the computer starts, if the internet is available server automatically connects otherwise waits for an active connection. We can manage our devices from our profile. We can assign acces rights to other users too. Support cross platforms.
Puntos a favor:
It just needs an active internet connection to remote desktop the device. Just need to run the server on the device that needs to control. If the device should be accessed over internet user have to log in to their own profile. Otherwise, under the same network, direct access to the IP is provided. From the profile, we can share our devices with others with limited access to the devices. With free accout, we can manage only a limited number of devices.
Problems can occur when trying to connect using a local server, But referring documentation and discussion forums can solve the problem. If disconnects auto connects to the network. Overall easy to use.
One of the best and easiest light weight tool to connect to computers and virtual machines
Comentarios: It has been a great experience this is my go to tool to connect to any VM or machine that I need. It has been always reliable.
Puntos a favor:
One the features I liked the most of this software is the how easy is to have a bare minimum virtual machine and by just downloading the VNC server on the Virtual machine and the VNC cliente in your laptop you have visual access to the machine. On key feature that I saw it was consistent through all the time was the copy paste from your host machine into the virtual machine.
Until now I haven't had any problems with the software it has worked flawlessly and the copy and paste between machines and host has always worked amazingly.