18 años ayudando a las empresas panameñas
a elegir el mejor software
Sobre Toluna Start
Plataforma integral de encuestas e información del consumidor totalmente integrada y con una comunidad global de más de 21 millones de consumidores.
It is quite easy and straightforward to sign up. Interface is user friendly as well.
Sometimes the pay was low for some surveys. Or no pay at all and sometimes no surveys.
Filtrar opiniones (81)
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Filtrar opiniones (81)
Comentarios: Entras fácil pero no te dejan hacer las encuestas
Puntos a favor:
Mandan varios correos con encuestas pero no dejan hacerlas
Mandan varios correos con encuestas pero no te las deja hacer
Toluna start
Comentarios: Agradable en todos sentidos, los empleados están a gusto.
Puntos a favor:
Que hay encuestas cortas, ágiles y el avance se refleja al instante.
Podría mejorar en cuanto a que rara vez las encuestas no avanzan y tenemos que salir y perder avance.
Crea tu encuesta
Puntos a favor:
Como empresa tiene muchos puntos positivos, ya que recolectas mucha información que te puede favorecer en tu desempeño empresarial.Para usuario puedes generar ingreso pasivos extra, sin hacer mucho esfuerzo.
La política de exclusión es muy estricta, ya que es muy difícil calificar en las encuestas y poder obtener un poco de dinero extra.
Plataforma útil para realizar encuestas en línea
Puntos a favor:
Lo más destacado positivamente de Toluna es su facilidad de uso, la variedad de temas que ofrece en sus encuestas, la posibilidad de obtener recompensas por participar en ellas, su comunidad en línea para interactuar con otros usuarios, y la personalización que permite en las encuestas para satisfacer necesidades específicas
En resumen, aunque Toluna es una plataforma útil para realizar encuestas en línea, en mi caso encuentro limitaciones en la personalización, frecuencia y calidad de las encuestas: a veces pasan meses y no recibo una sola encuesta y cuando si la recibo me descalifican casi de inmediato, y las recompensas son inalcanzables
Pésimo servicio de contacto y atención a clientes
Comentarios: Malisima
Puntos a favor:
Contestar encuestas cuando me dejaban. No entiendo como está calificada cómo una de las mejores.... No es tan buena como dicen.
Que al parecer hay algo extraño pues ya que uno está cercano a juntar los puntos y ganar una tarjeta de regalo deja de enviar encuestas o pasa esto que no dejan acceder a la página....

useful for simple, cheap surveys
Comentarios: useful for quick surveys, but not enough of a powerhouse for long detailed surveys, with complex routing. this is as expected though. quick surveys is useful for quick and easy surveys that you can get out into field that day if wanted.
Puntos a favor:
has enough functionality to ask several different types of questions - this typically covers what you would need for simple surveys. other software sometimes lack options covered in quicksurveys simple user design - easy to work out how to create your surveys, and send them out etc. can send surveys to enough participants options of how participants can access surveys useful for 'within the business' surveys (e.g. employee satisfaction)
this might have been a blip, but we tried to change the account over to a different email at one point and this did not work at all! it said it was under the new email but neither login worked on my laptop after this. Luckily, someone else was able to login with the old login details on their laptop. this was confusing though. the reporting and analystics of the surveys can cost more depending on what you want
Review of Toluna Start
Puntos a favor:
Toluna Start surveys are generally simple. The user-friendly interface and the ease of creating and distributing surveys quickly. The ability to redeem rewards via Paypal and the vibrant community interactions are very appreciated.
Sometime I experience frequent disqualifications from surveys after investing time, which can be frustrating.
Sorry, this survey is not a match
Comentarios: I haven’t been able to get on a positive streak of selection and completion as a user. As a client I would have to say its very useful as the filters are extreme.
Puntos a favor:
The software is easy to use. The layout is simple. It definitely isn’t loaded with options or information to overwhelm a new user. I like the simple blue and white colors. The email communication is professional. I get a lot of emails and a lot of garbage but scrolling /opening through quickly I can distinguish a legitimate company. Signing up and first impression I would give an 8.
It asks questions multiple times and I understand the bot security but it doesn’t seem to compile the information to use it efficiently. I selected around 10-15 surveys to take and partially completed most of them but was only able to fully complete a few. It says its asking some questions to find a survey thats a good match for you but they are the same questions. It would seem the software would have been able to compile this information to complete a user profile and have these surveys that are a good match already filtered and ready on the users app. Its very discouraging to keep answering questions and then having to keep starting over especially with the same questions. The last survey I completed was all over the place. From appliances to the corona virus it felt like it was trying to find a way to say this one is not a match either. After I completed the survey it took me back to the survey page and my points didn’t reflect the completion. There wasn’t a landing page to say something like completed, points acquired, when they will be credited, a survey score or any type of useful information. Also I couldn’t find a link that had anything to say about it. I am hoping that the redundancy of the questions is to scale users for quality and the user experience improves. I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find the answers to any questions I have but overall beginners experience I would have to score a 6.
Toluna United Community
In general, the results have been positive, I have had the opportunity to redeem several times by PayPal without any inconvenience.
The community is very nice, there is a lot of interaction and respect for each other's opinions.
Puntos a favor:
It gives you the opportunity to collect points through surveys, games, and discussions with the Toluna community which you can exchange for cash or gift vouchers.
When you take some surveys you are immediately disqualified or even worse when you have already invested a lot of time, you are removed from the survey.
QuickSurvey Review
Comentarios: Overall it's been pretty good. A few team members experienced a few issues with under-qualified project managers, but overall, I've been quite happy.
Puntos a favor:
QuickSurveys are great for quick turn projects. The account/project team does a great job handling any concerns, so that I don't have to spend time programming or trouble shooting.
It would be helpful to have a few other visualization options for data - often times I screen shot the analytics page, because the PowerPoint output looks less clean. For instance, combining responses from different questions to create one word cloud would be helpful. "Filtering" is the one feature that could be improved upon. It's definitely functional, but for some reason, not the most intuitive the first time you go about it. Clearing filters within the charts and tables can be handy, but it would be nice if there was also a "clear filters" button in the tool bar where the original filter funnel sits.
Very good app for preparing surveys
Puntos a favor:
It is quite easy and straightforward to sign up. Interface is user friendly as well. easy way of tracking responses.
I think so far so good the app is working fine and it is serving its purpose just okay.

Quick way to get responses from the team to make decisions
Comentarios: User friendly program to help make team decisions.
Puntos a favor:
In cases where it should be a team decision about something, but it isn't crucial to be in person for it, QuickSurveys is great to get the responses from the team members. You can then quickly see what options are most popular and why they are most popular, leading to the best final decision.
Participants do not put as much effort into it sometimes because it is anonymous. It is easy to just select any options without fully reading everything, which happens to be the case sometimes.

Certainly a far better tool for Feedback & Surveys
Comentarios: Ditto to the QuickSurveys, this tool helping our company in improving the quality of our services with instant feedback and rich analytics post survey which is really a must have kind of business tool for every online and even offline business. Plus, you can even embed the survey in websites or share the link of the survey in your support tickets.
Puntos a favor:
Believe it or not but QuickSurveys has almost all the options you need to conduct a short/long survey or seek valuable feedback from your customers and client. Certainly, it has more options than the Google Forms or another such tool available online for the very same purpose. The another advantage of QuickSurveys is that you can embed the survey or share the link of the survey in your support tickets.
Till so far our team has not found anything disappointing as such but yes, they should work on pricing component.

Great asset
Comentarios: I have been using QuickSurveys for customer feedback on products and for my website. It’s fast and easy for me to create a survey with this apps
Puntos a favor:
I liked that you can customize surveys anyway you want to. It’s very easy to use, and there are a lot of options in the interface.
The cost is a bit high, especially for small businesses. It can be a little difficult to use for beginners.
Quick, consistent and accurate
Comentarios: I used quick surveys to send to customers after a purchase to ensure customer satisfaction and it works cvery well for me
Puntos a favor:
Very easy user interface. Fluid page design allows responders to accurately input data and move to the next question with ease.
Once in awhile the screening algorithms will automatically disqualify users for particular surveys and respond with error message.
Toluna sondaggi
Comentarios: Fantastica la consiglio , facile da usare
Puntos a favor:
Ho provato Toluna per i sondaggi , mi trovo molto bene . Ci sono almeno 2/3 sondaggi al giorno e riesci ad accomulare punti per riscattare dei buoni .
Ci sono stati dei giorni dove non riuscivo a collegarmi
Ottimo software che supporta attraverso sondaggi
Puntos a favor:
Abbiamo assunto decisioni razionali, soprattutto nel campo del marketing, grazie all'elaborazione di statistiche derivanti da sondaggi generati grazie al software Toluna Start. Assolutamente consigliabile, anzi direi necessario per capire quali sono le priorità su investimenti e su decisioni che riguardano i segmenti e i canali di vendita da penetrare.Trovo il software più facile e più intuitivo da utilizzare rispetto ai concorrenti.
Non ho riscontrato particolari inconvenienti, forse attivare alcune ricerche a volte è troppo costoso per un'azienda piccola quale è la nostra.
Recensione Toluna
Comentarios: Ho utilizzato Toluna per più di un anno e con pochi minuti al giorno mi ha permesso di guadagnare dei piccoli extra per le mie spese
Puntos a favor:
Toluna è un software molto pratico e funzionale, ti permette di fare sondaggi brevi in cambio di punti che possono essere trasformati in gift card
Non trovo nessuna cosa in particolare che non mi sia piaciuta di Toluna
Comentarios: Una svolta ai sondaggi da social, ripeto, preferisco la professionalità.
Puntos a favor:
Realizzare ricerche di mercato in maniera super professionale e abbastanza veloce.
La ripetitività di alcune domande pre impostate di cui si potrebbe fare a meno
QuickSurveys Feedback
Puntos a favor:
I like the simplicity of the tool, and how all of the questions are simply laid out for you in the test link. I also appreciate how you can apply Top Box reporting to the all of the questions simultaneously, as well as remove certain columns / subpopulations across the report at once.
There are a few key functions that are not available in reporting. The main one is the ability to look at Top Box reporting without having to filter out a number of rows to see all of the statements next to one another. The tool also doesn't allow you to view various Top Boxes at the same time (for ex. you cannot see T2B and T3B at once.) Also, without training, the tool is not very intuitive to use.
Toluna is an ok program
Puntos a favor:
Toluna has some useful features and things, their survey features can be useful.
The system is a little glitchy at times and that causes some issues.
toluna quick surveys review
Comentarios: It's great - great tool, great people, huge help on our business!!
Puntos a favor:
LOVE how easy it is to quickly get a quant read on business questions.
There are a lot of nuances in the QRE set up and analysis that are not super intuitive / I always need help with. I'm running some complex stuff with lots of segmentations so I'm probably the toughest case.
Great service, iffy sample
Comentarios: The people are great and always helpful, but the data quality was sometimes lacking and the field times for longer surveys was too long.
Puntos a favor:
Perfect for quick, simple surveys that need fast data turn-around
Limited options for even slightly more advanced survey logic and flows
Blogger Surveys for Awards
Comentarios: The benefit is being able to correspond reward types alongside what my viewers want.
Puntos a favor:
QuickSurveys is easy to use. You can create surveys for social media and mobile devices. It is also free to signup. There are also a number of ways you can customize the survey experience.
I do not have any negative commentary for it. Besides the fact that I wish I new it existed some time ago.
QuickSurveys Review
Puntos a favor:
It's very easy to get a quick read on results--visuals are easy to understand.
Selecting charts for export is a little wonky. Somehow it ended up replicating the same charts 3 times. It also provides too many slides for each chart---one simple slide per Q would be better.